

Propaganda Poster, Military Art and Advertising collection from various sources all over the world. Please enjoy:

1775-1783 American Revolutionary War

1861-1865 American Civil War

1898 Spanish-American War

1900-1914 Beginning of 1900’s Propaganda Poster and Military Art

1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

1914-1918 World War I Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

1917-1923 Russian Civil War Propaganda Poster And Military Art Collection

1918 Finnish Civil War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

1918-1939 Interwar Period

1919-1921 Polish Soviet War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

1936-1939 Spanish Civil War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

1939-1945 World War II Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

1945-1991 Cold War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

1950-1953 Korean War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

1955-1975 Vietnam War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

1979-1989 Soviet-Afghanistan War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

1990-1991 Gulf War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

1991–present Modern Era Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

1998-1999 Kosovo War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

2001-2021 War in Afghanistan Propaganda Poster and Military Art

Aircraft Ad and Poster Collection

Airlines Poster and Ad Collection

Alcohol Ad and Poster Collection

Automobiles Ad and Poster Collection

Boating Ad and Poster Collection

Bus Lines Poster and Ad Collection

Car Accessories Ad and Poster Collection

Motorcycles Ad and Poster Collection

Motorsport Poster and Ad Collection

Petroleum Ad and Poster Collection

Railroad Poster and Ad Collection

Shipping Poster and Ad Collection

Smoking Ad and Poster Collection

Soft Drink Ad and Poster Collection

Sports Poster and Ad Collection

Tires Ad and Poster Collection

Tractors Ad and Poster Collection

Trains Ad and Poster Collection

Travel Poster and Ad Collection

I have collected and published these to document our history. I don’t share the political idea of those and specially those racial ones are completely against everything I believe.

I want to keep this site completely legal and therefore always add the source where the picture is taken from.

If you are a legal owner of any material in the site and do not want to have it here, please inform me and it will be removed asap. (Mailbox is not monitored 24/7, but quite constantly anyhow)

I do not have any of these posters, and I do not sell those or produce any material commercially from those.

If you have any interesting material which we could add to this site, please do not hesitate to send it in. Do not also forget to mention the origin of it and if I may “credit” your contribution by mentioning your name/userid or not.

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