Yugoslavia Kosovo War

Yugoslavia Kosovo War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection
Yugoslavia Kosovo War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection: In 1998, the Kosovo War began, following increased open combat with Yugoslav police and army units deployed by Milošević. The KLA found itself heavily outnumbered and outgunned in open combat, and had to use guerrilla tactics. Serbian police and VJ units attacked KLA outposts, attempting to destroy them, as KLA units attempted to avoid direct confrontation and use terrorist attacks, including bombings and ambushes, to weaken Yugoslav control.[53] Although unable to gain a strategic advantage, Yugoslav Army units found themselves in a tactical advantage against KLA units which lacked proper training. VJ units themselves lacked morale, and attacks were often directed against civilian targets rather than military targets. (Wikipedia)

Yugoslavia Kosovo War Propaganda Poster Collection:

Some interesting Kosovo War related links:

Wikipedia article about Kosovo War

My other Kosovo War related material:

All Countries during Kosovo War

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Nato Kosovo War

Nato Kosovo War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection
Nato Kosovo War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) carried out an aerial bombing campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the Kosovo War. The air strikes lasted from 24 March 1999 to 10 June 1999. (Wikipedia)

Nato Kosovo War Poster and Ad Collection:

Nato Kosovo War Military Art Collection:

Some interesting Kosovo War related links:

Wikipedia article about Kosovo War

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1998-1999 Kosovo War

1998-1999 Kosovo War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection
1998-1999 Kosovo War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection: The Kosovo War was an armed conflict in Kosovo that lasted from 28 February 1998 until 11 June 1999. It was fought by the forces of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which controlled Kosovo before the war, and the Kosovo Albanian rebel group known as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) with air support from NATO.

Yugoslavia Kosovo War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

Nato Kosovo War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection

Some interesting Kosovo War related links:

Wikipedia article about Kosovo War

If you have a Kosovo War related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

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