Nationalists Spanish Civil War

Nationalists Spanish Civil War Propaganda Collection
Nationalists Spanish Civil War Propaganda Collection: The National faction (Spanish: Bando nacional) also known as Nationalists or Nationals (nacionales), was a major faction in the Spanish Civil War of 1936 to 1939. It was composed of a variety of political groups opposed to the Second Spanish Republic, including the Falange, the CEDA, and two rival monarchist claimants: the Alfonsists and the Carlists. After 1937, all the groups were merged into the Falange. It was led by Francisco Franco throughout the war, who became dictator of Spain from 1939 to 1975 (Wikipedia)

Nationalists Spanish Civil War Propaganda Posters:

Nationalists Spanish Civil War Military Art:

Some interesting Spanish Civil War related links:

Wikipedia article about Spanish Civil War

My other Spanish Civil War related material:

All Parties during Spanish Civil War

If you have a Spanish Civil War related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

Republicans Spanish Civil War

Republicans Spanish Civil War Propaganda Collection
Republicans Spanish Civil War Propaganda Collection: The Republican faction (Spanish: Bando republicano) also known as the Republicans (republicanos) was the side in the Spanish Civil War of 1936 to 1939, that supported the Second Spanish Republic against the National faction. (Wikipedia)

Republicans Spanish Civil War Propaganda Posters:

Government – The Spanish Republic:

PCE – Partido Comunista de España – Communist Party of Spain:

JSU – Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas – Unified Socialist Youth:

JFIJL – Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Libertarias – Iberian Federation of Libertarian Youth:

POUM – Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista – Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification:

PSOE – Partido Socialista Obrero Español – Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party:

PSUC – Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya – Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia:

Izquierda Republicana – Republican Left:

SRI – Socorro Rojo Internacional – International Red Aid:

CNT – Confederación Nacional del Trabajo – National Confederation of Labour:

FAI – Federación Anarquista Ibérica – Iberian Anarchist Federation:

AIT – Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores – International Working People’s Association:

UGT – Unión General de Trabajadores – General Union of Workers:

Brigadas Internacionales – International Brigades:

Junta de Defensa de Madrid – Madrid Defense Council:

Estat Català – Catalan State:

UHP – Uníos Hermanos Proletarios – United Brothers of the Proletariat:

Some interesting Spanish Civil War related links:

Wikipedia article about Spanish Civil War

My other Spanish Civil War related material:

All Parties during Spanish Civil War

If you have a Spanish Civil War related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

1936-1939 Spanish Civil War

1936-1939 Spanish Civil War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection
1936-1939 Spanish Civil War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection: The Spanish Civil War was a civil war in Spain that lasted 1936-1939 and ending with that of Francisco Franco came to power as absolute dictator.

Right Wing:

Nationalists Spanish Civil War Propaganda Collection

Left Wing:

Republicans Spanish Civil War Propaganda Collection

Independent nations:

Some interesting Spanish Civil War related links:

Wikipedia article about Spanish Civil War

If you have a Spanish Civil War related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

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