Czechoslovakia Cold War

Czechoslovakia Cold War Propaganda Posters
Czechoslovakia Cold War Propaganda Posters: Czechoslovakia was after second world war, from 1945 to 1948 a republic, but after a communist controlled Ministry of Interior and security forces made a coup in 1948, Czechoslovakia was a socialistic republic and a part of Warsaw Pact until 1990. (Wikipedia)

Czechoslovakia Cold War Propaganda Posters:


Some interesting Cold War related links:

Wikipedia article about Cold War
The Cold War Museum®

My other Cold War related material:

All Countries during Cold War

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West Germany Cold War

West Germany Cold War Propaganda Collection
West Germany Cold War Propaganda Collection: West Germany is the common English name for the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) from its formation on 23 May 1949 until the reunification with East Germany on 3 October 1990 (Wikipedia)

West Germany Cold War Propaganda Propaganda Posters:



Some interesting Cold War related links:

Wikipedia article about Cold War
The Cold War Museum®

My other Cold War related material:

All Countries during Cold War

If you have a West Germany Cold War related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

East Germany Cold War

East Germany Cold War Propaganda Collection
East Germany Cold War Propaganda Collection: East Germany, officially known as the German Democratic Republic (GDR; Deutsche Demokratische Republik, was a country in Central Europe from its formation on 7 October 1949 until its reunification with West Germany on 3 October 1990. (Wikipedia)

East Germany Cold War Propaganda Propaganda Posters:

Anti capitalist:

Some interesting Cold War related links:

Wikipedia article about Cold War
The Cold War Museum®

My other Cold War related material:

All Countries during Cold War

If you have an East Germany Cold War related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

USA American war in Afghanistan

USA American war in Afghanistan Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection
USA American war in Afghanistan Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection: Immediately after the 9/11 attacks, President Bush and the United States National Security Council agreed that military action would probably have to be taken against Al-Qaeda and Afghanistan.
The war contained two main factions: the Coalition, which included the US and its allies (eventually supporting the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan), fighting against the Taliban, its allies, and its militias. Complicating the fight were Taliban splinter groups and other, more radical religious groups such as al-Qaeda and later the Islamic State. (Wikipedia)

USA American war in Afghanistan Military Art:

Some interesting War in Afghanistan related links:

Wikipedia article about War in Afghanistan (2001–2021)

If you have a War in Afghanistan related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

Brazil WW2

Brazil WW2 Propaganda Collection
Brazil WW2 Propaganda Collection: Brazilian Air Force was fighting together with allied forces in the Atlantic Ocean from the middle of 1942 until the end of second world war. The Brazilian Expeditionary Force (BEF) fought in the Mediterranean by attending Italian campaign. Brazil was the only South American country to send troops to fight in the second world war. (Wikipedia)

Brazil WW2 Propaganda Posters:

Brazil WW2 Military Art:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

If you have a World War II related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

Sweden WW2

Sweden WW2 Propaganda Collection
Sweden WW2 Propaganda Collection: Sweden during World War II maintained a policy of neutrality. When the Second World War began on September 1, 1939, the fate of Sweden was unclear. But by a combination of its geopolitical location in the Scandinavian Peninsula, successful realpolitik maneuvering during an unpredictable course of events, and a dedicated military build-up after 1942, Sweden managed to maintain its official neutrality throughout the war. (Wikipedia)

Sweden WW2 Propaganda Posters:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

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Finland WW2

Finland WW2 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
Finland WW2 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: Finland participated to the second world war in three phases:

Winter War against Soviet Union 30. November 1939 – 13 March, where Soviet Union after demands of military bases and some ares and islands outside of Finnish archipelago attacked Finland and after a lot of casualties made a peace in 13 of March 1940.

A continuation war, where Finland, together with Germany tried to conquer back the lost territory and even gained some extra territory in Karelia until major Soviet offensive during june 1944.

And then a war against Germany in Lapland, where Finland had to throw German soldiers away according to the peace agreement with allies and Soviet Union.

Finland WW2 Propaganda Posters:

Propaganda from Finland:

Propaganda from Soviet Union:

Propaganda from Nordic countries:

Propaganda from other countries:

Flyers Targeting Soviet Soldiers:

Military Art:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

If you have a World War II related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

Russia Russo-Japanese War

Russia Russo-Japanese War Propaganda Collection
Russia Russo-Japanese War Propaganda Collection: Russia sought a warm-water port on the Pacific Ocean both for its navy and for maritime trade. Vladivostok remained ice-free and operational only during the summer; Port Arthur, a naval base in Liaodong Province leased to Russia by the Qing dynasty of China from 1897, was operational year round.
After Russia lost the war, it lost two of its three fleets. Only its Black Sea Fleet remained, the result of the 1878 Treaty of Berlin which had prevented the fleet from leaving the Black Sea through the Bosphorus, since Turkey and Britain would not waive the relevant clauses. The Berlin treaty superseded the London Straits Convention of 1841, which had been favourable to Russia. (Wikipedia)

Russia Russo-Japanese War Propaganda Posters:

Russia Russo-Japanese War Military Art:

Some interesting Russo-Japanese War related links:

Wikipedia article about Russo-Japanese War

My other Russo-Japanese war related material:

All Countries in the Beginning of 1900’s

If you have a Russia Russo-Japanese War related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

Bolsheviks Russian Civil War

Bolsheviks Russian Civil War Propaganda Collection
Bolsheviks Russian Civil War Propaganda Collection: A long and bloody Civil War ensued between the Reds and the Whites, starting in 1917 and ending in 1923 with the Reds’ victory. It included foreign intervention, the execution of the former tsar and his family, and the famine of 1921, which killed about five million people.[ (Wikipedia)

Bolsheviks Russian Civil War Propaganda Posters:

ABC Of the Revolution:

Bolsheviks Russian Civil War Military Art:

Some interesting Russian Civil War related links:

Wikipedia article about Russian Civil War

My other Russian Civil War related material:

Russian Civil War

If you have a Russian Civil War related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

Russia WW1

Russia WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
Russia WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: Tsar Nicholas II and his subjects entered World War I with enthusiasm and patriotism, with the defence of Russia’s fellow Orthodox Slavs, the Serbs, as the main battle cry. In August 1914, the Russian army invaded Germany’s province of East Prussia and occupied a significant portion of Austrian-controlled Galicia in support of the Serbs and their allies the French and British. Military reversals and shortages among the civilian population, however, soon soured much of the population.
On March 3, 1917, a strike was organized on a factory in the capital Saint Petersburg; within a week nearly all the workers in the city were idle, and street fighting broke out.
The strikers held mass meetings in defiance of the regime, and the army openly sided with the workers. A few days later a provisional government headed by Georgy Lvov was named by the Duma. Meanwhile, the socialists in Saint Petersburg had formed a Soviet (council) of workers’ and soldiers’ deputies, forming an uneasy alliance with the Provisional Government. With his authority destroyed, Nicholas abdicated on 2 March 1917 (Julian Calendar; the Gregorian date was 15 March). He and his family were subsequently murdered by Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War. (Wikipedia)

Russia WW1 Propaganda Collection:

Fighting and Morale:


Health and Safety:



Home Front:

Russia WW1 Military Art Collection:

Some interesting World War I related links:

Wikipedia article about World War I
History Channel : World War I: Summary, Causes, Facts & Dates

My other World War One related material:

All Countries during World War One

If you have a World War I related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

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