Czechoslovak Legion WW1

Czechoslovak Legion WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
Czechoslovak Legion WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: The Czechoslovak Legion (Czech: Československé legie; Slovak: Československé légie) were volunteer armed forces consisting predominantly of Czechs and Slovaks fighting on the side of the Entente powers during World War I and the White Army during the Russian Civil War until November 1919. (Wikipedia)

Czechoslovak Legion WW1 Propaganda Collection:

Czechoslovak Legion in France:

Some interesting World War I related links:

Wikipedia article about World War I
History Channel : World War I: Summary, Causes, Facts & Dates

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All Countries during World War One

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Australia WW1

Australia WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
Australia WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: Following Britain’s declaration of war on Germany on 4 August 1914, Australia and the other members of the British Empire became automatically involved, with Prime Minister Joseph Cook stating on 5 August 1914 that “…when the Empire is at war, so also is Australia.” Given the predominantly British heritage of most Australians at the time, there was considerable support from all corners of the country and large numbers of young Australian men reported to recruiting centres around the country to enlist in the following months. (Wikipedia)

Australia WW1 Propaganda Collection:


Some interesting World War I related links:

Wikipedia article about World War I
History Channel : World War I: Summary, Causes, Facts & Dates

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All Countries during World War One

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Hungary WW1

Hungary WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
Hungary WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: After the Assassination in Sarajevo, the Hungarian prime minister István Tisza and his cabinet, the only one in Europe to do so, tried to avoid the outbreak and escalating of a war in Europe, but their diplomatic efforts were unsuccessful.
Austria–Hungary drafted 9 million (fighting forces: 7.8 million) soldiers in World War I (over 4 million from the Kingdom of Hungary) on the side of Germany,Bulgaria and Turkey.
Austria-Hungary signed a general armistice in Padua on 3 November 1918. In October 1918, Hungary’s union with Austria was dissolved. (Wikipedia)

Hungary WW1 Propaganda Collection:

Some interesting World War I related links:

Wikipedia article about World War I
History Channel : World War I: Summary, Causes, Facts & Dates

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All Countries during World War One

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Bulgaria WW1

Bulgaria WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
Bulgaria WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: The Kingdom of Bulgaria participated in World War I on the side of the Central Powers from 15 October 1915, when the country declared war on Serbia, until 29 September 1918, when the Armistice of Thessalonica was signed. (Wikipedia)

Bulgaria WW1 Propaganda Collection:

Some interesting World War I related links:

Wikipedia article about World War I
History Channel : World War I: Summary, Causes, Facts & Dates

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All Countries during World War One

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Austria WW1

Austria WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
Austria WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: The Austrian Empire (German: Kaisertum Österreich) was a modern era successor empire, which was centered on what is today’s Austria and which officially lasted from 1804 to 1867. It was followed by the Empire of Austria-Hungary, whose proclamation was a diplomatic move that elevated Hungary’s status within the Austrian Empire as a result of the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867. The Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867 to 1918) was itself dissolved by the victors at the end of World War I and broken into separate new states. (Wikipedia)

Austria WW1 Propaganda Collection:


Fighting and Morale:


Home Front:

Austria WW1 Military Art Collection:

Some interesting World War I related links:

Wikipedia article about World War I
History Channel : World War I: Summary, Causes, Facts & Dates

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All Countries during World War One

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Ottoman Empire WW1

Ottoman Empire WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
Ottoman Empire WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: The Young Turk government had signed a secret treaty with Germany and established the Ottoman-German Alliance in August 1914, aimed against the common Russian enemy but aligning the Empire with the German side. (Wikipedia)

Ottoman Empire WW1 Propaganda Collection:

Some interesting World War I related links:

Wikipedia article about World War I
History Channel : World War I: Summary, Causes, Facts & Dates

My other World War One related material:

All Countries during World War One

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Russia WW1

Russia WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
Russia WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: Tsar Nicholas II and his subjects entered World War I with enthusiasm and patriotism, with the defence of Russia’s fellow Orthodox Slavs, the Serbs, as the main battle cry. In August 1914, the Russian army invaded Germany’s province of East Prussia and occupied a significant portion of Austrian-controlled Galicia in support of the Serbs and their allies the French and British. Military reversals and shortages among the civilian population, however, soon soured much of the population.
On March 3, 1917, a strike was organized on a factory in the capital Saint Petersburg; within a week nearly all the workers in the city were idle, and street fighting broke out.
The strikers held mass meetings in defiance of the regime, and the army openly sided with the workers. A few days later a provisional government headed by Georgy Lvov was named by the Duma. Meanwhile, the socialists in Saint Petersburg had formed a Soviet (council) of workers’ and soldiers’ deputies, forming an uneasy alliance with the Provisional Government. With his authority destroyed, Nicholas abdicated on 2 March 1917 (Julian Calendar; the Gregorian date was 15 March). He and his family were subsequently murdered by Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War. (Wikipedia)

Russia WW1 Propaganda Collection:

Fighting and Morale:


Health and Safety:



Home Front:

Russia WW1 Military Art Collection:

Some interesting World War I related links:

Wikipedia article about World War I
History Channel : World War I: Summary, Causes, Facts & Dates

My other World War One related material:

All Countries during World War One

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Great Britain WW1

Great Britain WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
Great Britain WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: The United Kingdom was one of the Allied Powers during World War I (1914–1918), and developed as a nation throughout the war in order to further its goal of defeating the Central Powers (the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria). The country’s armed forces were reorganised—the war marked the creation of the Royal Air Force, for example—and increased in size because of the introduction of forced conscription for the first time in the country’s history. At the outbreak of war, patriotic feelings spread throughout the country, and it has been argued that many of the class barriers of Edwardian England were diminished during the period. (Wikipedia)

Great Britain WW1 Propaganda Collection:


Fighting and Morale:


Anti Enemy:



Health and Safety:


Red Cross:

Home Front:

Great Britain WW1 Military Art Collection:

Children’s book: The Great War:

Some interesting World War I related links:

Wikipedia article about World War I
History Channel : World War I: Summary, Causes, Facts & Dates

My other World War One related material:

All Countries during World War One

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Germany WW1

Germany WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
Germany WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: Following the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian Archduke of Austria-Este, Franz Ferdinand by Bosnian Serbs, the Kaiser offered Emperor Franz Joseph full support for Austro-Hungarian plans to invade the Kingdom of Serbia, which Austria-Hungary blamed for the assassination. Germany began the war by targeting its chief rival, France. (Wikipedia)

Germany WW1 Propaganda Collection:


Fighting and Morale:

Anti Enemy:



Home Front:

Germany WW1 Military Art Collection:

Some interesting World War I related links:

Wikipedia article about World War I
History Channel : World War I: Summary, Causes, Facts & Dates

My other World War One related material:

All Countries during World War One

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Canada WW1

Canada WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
Canada WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: The military history of Canada during World War I began on August 4, 1914, when the United Kingdom entered the First World War (1914–1918) by declaring war on Germany. The British declaration of war automatically brought Canada into the war, because of Canada’s legal status as a British Dominion which left foreign policy decisions in the hands of the British parliament. (Wikipedia)

Canada WW1 Propaganda Collection:


Fighting and Morale:

Health and Safety:



Home Front:

Red Cross:

Canada WW1 Military Art Collection:

Some interesting World War I related links:

Wikipedia article about World War I
History Channel : World War I: Summary, Causes, Facts & Dates

My other World War One related material:

All Countries during World War One

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