Brazil WW2

Brazil WW2 Propaganda Collection
Brazil WW2 Propaganda Collection: Brazilian Air Force was fighting together with allied forces in the Atlantic Ocean from the middle of 1942 until the end of second world war. The Brazilian Expeditionary Force (BEF) fought in the Mediterranean by attending Italian campaign. Brazil was the only South American country to send troops to fight in the second world war. (Wikipedia)

Brazil WW2 Propaganda Posters:

Brazil WW2 Military Art:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

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Sweden WW2

Sweden WW2 Propaganda Collection
Sweden WW2 Propaganda Collection: Sweden during World War II maintained a policy of neutrality. When the Second World War began on September 1, 1939, the fate of Sweden was unclear. But by a combination of its geopolitical location in the Scandinavian Peninsula, successful realpolitik maneuvering during an unpredictable course of events, and a dedicated military build-up after 1942, Sweden managed to maintain its official neutrality throughout the war. (Wikipedia)

Sweden WW2 Propaganda Posters:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

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Finland WW2

Finland WW2 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
Finland WW2 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: Finland participated to the second world war in three phases:

Winter War against Soviet Union 30. November 1939 – 13 March, where Soviet Union after demands of military bases and some ares and islands outside of Finnish archipelago attacked Finland and after a lot of casualties made a peace in 13 of March 1940.

A continuation war, where Finland, together with Germany tried to conquer back the lost territory and even gained some extra territory in Karelia until major Soviet offensive during june 1944.

And then a war against Germany in Lapland, where Finland had to throw German soldiers away according to the peace agreement with allies and Soviet Union.

Finland WW2 Propaganda Posters:

Propaganda from Finland:

Propaganda from Soviet Union:

Propaganda from Nordic countries:

Propaganda from other countries:

Flyers Targeting Soviet Soldiers:

Military Art:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

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New Zealand WW2

New Zealand WW2 Propaganda Collection
New Zealand WW2 Propaganda Collection: New Zealand entered the Second World War by declaring war on Nazi Germany with Britain. The state of war with Germany was officially held to have existed since 9.30pm on 3 September 1939, simultaneous with that of Britain, but in fact the declaration of war was not made until confirmation had been received from Britain that their ultimatum to Germany had expired. (Wikipedia)

New Zealand WW2 Propaganda Collection:


Fighting and Morale:



Careless Talk:

Home Front:

New Zealand WW2 Military Art:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

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Slovenia WW2

Slovenia WW2 Propaganda Collection
Slovenia WW2 Propaganda Collection: World War II in the Slovene Lands started in April 1941 and lasted until May 1945. The Slovene Lands were in a unique situation during World War II in Europe. In addition to being trisected, a fate which also befell Greece, Drava Banovina (roughly today’s Slovenia) was the only region that experienced a further step—absorption and annexation into neighboring Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Hungary.[1] The Slovene-settled territory was divided largely between Nazi Germany and the Kingdom of Italy, with smaller territories occupied and annexed by Hungary and the Independent State of Croatia. (Wikipedia)

Slovenia WW2 Propaganda Posters:


Slovenes Home Guard:

Slovenia WW2 Military Art:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

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Italy WW2

Italy WW2 Propaganda Collection
Italy WW2 Propaganda Collection: Italy did not participate to the second world war, before France collapsed during summer 1940. 10 June Mussolini joined Italy to the “Pack of Steel”. There has been a lot of jokes about Italy’s performance during campaign in Greece and Africa, but the truth is that Italy were not ready for war and they were lacking military material support for the troops as well as the fascistic politic has replaced competitive leaders with the political corrects ones, which caused Italian forces to suffer for a poor leadership during all military campaigns. (Wikipedia)

Italy WW2 Propaganda Collection:


Anti Enemy:

Fighting and Morale:




Home Front:

Italy WW2 Military Art:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

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Canada WW2

Canada WW2 Propaganda Collection
Canada WW2 Propaganda Collection: Canada’s military was active in every theatre of war, though most battles occurred in Italy, Northern Europe, and the North Atlantic.
Over the course of the war, 1.1 million Canadians served in the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Of these more than 45,000 lost their lives and another 54,000 were wounded.
The war had significant cultural, political and economic effects on Canada, including the conscription crisis which affected unity between Canadian francophones and anglophones. However, the war effort not only strengthened the Canadian economy but further established Canada as a major actor on the world stage.(Wikipedia)

Canada WW2 Propaganda Collection:

English Posters:

French Posters:

Fighting and Morale:
English Posters:

French Posters:

English Posters:

French Posters:

English Posters:

French Posters:

Careless Talk:
English Posters:

French Posters:

A National Film Board Production:

(Series of short films)

Home Front:
English Posters:

French Posters:

Canada WW2 Military Art:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

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Japan WW2

Japan WW2 Propaganda Collection
Japan WW2 Propaganda Collection: Most historians consider Japan to start the Second World War already during 1937 when they occupied China. The World War II ended in 15 August 1945 for the capitulation of Japan to Americans. (Wikipedia)

Japan WW2 Propaganda Collection:

Propaganda Targeting Australians:

Propaganda Targeting Indians:

Propaganda Targeting Filipinos:

Propaganda Targeting Indonesians:

Japan WW2 Military Art:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

If you have a World War II related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

Norway WW2

Norway WW2 Propaganda Collection
Norway WW2 Propaganda Collection: The occupation of Norway by Nazi Germany started with the German invasion of Norway on 9 April 1940 and ended on 8 May 1945, after the capitulation of German forces in Europe. Throughout this period, Norway was continuously occupied by the Wehrmacht.(Wikipedia)

Norway WW2 Propaganda Collection:

Propaganda during occupation:

Propaganda from Allies:

Norway WW2 Military Art:

Krigens ansikt – Faces of War:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

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Netherlands WW2

Netherlands WW2 Propaganda Collection
Netherlands WW2 Propaganda Collection: The involvement of the Netherlands in World War II began with its invasion by Nazi Germany on 10 May 1940. The Netherlands had originally hoped to stay neutral when war broke out in 1939, but this wish was ignored. On 15 May 1940, one day after the bombing of Rotterdam, the Dutch forces surrendered. Subsequently the Dutch government and the royal family went into exile in London.
Most of the south of the country was liberated in the second half of 1944. The rest, especially the west of the country still under occupation, suffered from a famine at the end of 1944, known as the “Hunger Winter”. On 5 May 1945, the whole country was finally liberated by the total surrender of all German forces. (Wikipedia)

Netherlands WW2 Propaganda Collection:

Propaganda during Occupation:

National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands

Netherlands Union – Nederlandsche Unie

Movement promoting ‘a loyal attitude of towards the occupying power’

Recruiting workers:

Recruiting soldiers:

Propaganda from Allies:

Propaganda during free Netherlands:

Netherlands WW2 Military Art:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

If you have a World War II related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

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