USA WW2 Recruiting

USA WW2 Recruiting Propaganda Collection
USA WW2 Recruiting Propaganda Collection: The collection of propaganda posters and other material, recruit soldiers, both male and female, to Army, Navy and some civilian work during the second world war between 1939-1945 (USA attended to war between 1941-45)

USA WW2 Recruiting Propaganda Collection:

General Recruiting:

U.S. Army:

U.S. Army Air Forces:

U.S. Navy:

U.S. Marines:

U.S. Coast Guard:

U.S. Navy Seabees:

U.S. Merchant Marine:

Civilian Defense:

Women’s Army Corps (WAC):

Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC):

U.S. Navy Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Services (WAVES):

U.S.Marine Corps Women’s Reserve (USMCWR):

U.S. Coast Guard Women’s Reserve (SPARS):

U.S. Army Nurse Corps:

U.S. Navy Nurse Corps:

U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps:

Red Cross:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

If you have a World War II related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

USA WW2 Finance

USA WW2 Finance Propaganda Collection
USA WW2 Finance Propaganda Collection: or an easier reading and maintenance, these posters are divided into subsections based on common Slogans used in posters; War Bonds, War Loans, Stamps, War Finds, Red Cross and General Savings. If you know anything more about these posters than mentioned, all help is appreciated.

USA WW2 Finance Propaganda Collection:

War Bonds:


Stamps and Bonds:

War Loan:

War Fund:

Red Cross:

General Finance:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

If you have a World War II related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an em

United Kingdom WW2

United Kingdom WW2 Propaganda Collection
United Kingdom WW2 Propaganda Collection: The UK entered World War II by declaring war on Germany in 1939, after it had invaded Poland and Czechoslovakia. In 1940, Winston Churchill became prime minister and head of a coalition government. Despite the defeat of its European allies in the first year of the war, the UK continued the fight alone against Germany. In 1940, the RAF defeated the German Luftwaffe in a struggle for control of the skies in the Battle of Britain. The UK suffered heavy bombing during the Blitz. There were also eventual hard-fought victories in the Battle of the Atlantic, the North Africa campaign and Burma campaign. UK forces played an important role in the Normandy landings of 1944, achieved with its ally the US. After Germany’s defeat, the UK was one of the Big Three powers who met to plan the post-war world; it was an original signatory to the Declaration of the United Nations. The UK became one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. However, the war left the UK severely weakened and depending financially on Marshall Aid and loans from the United States. (Wikipedia)

United Kingdom WW2 Propaganda Collection:


Woman at War:

Gear and Vehicles:



Fighting and Morale:



Red Cross:

Health and Safety:

Careless Talk:

Home Front:

United Kingdom WW2 Military Art:







Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

If you have a World War II related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

Soviet Union WW2

Soviet Union WW2 Propaganda Posters and Military Art
Soviet Union WW2 Propaganda: In 1938, after the United Kingdom and France had concluded the Munich Agreement with Germany, the USSR dealt with the Nazis as well, both militarily and economically during extensive talks. The two countries concluded the German–Soviet Nonaggression Pact and the German–Soviet Commercial Agreement. The nonaggression pact made possible Soviet occupation of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bessarabia, northern Bukovina, and eastern Poland. In late November of the same year, unable to coerce the Republic of Finland by diplomatic means into moving its border 25 kilometres (16 mi) back from Leningrad, Joseph Stalin ordered the invasion of Finland.
In the east, the Soviet military won several decisive victories during border clashes with the Japanese Empire in 1938 and 1939. However, in April 1941, USSR signed the Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact with the Empire of Japan, recognizing the territorial integrity of Manchukuo, a Japanese puppet state.
Although it has been debated whether the Soviet Union intended to invade Germany once it was strong enough, Germany itself broke the treaty and invaded the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, starting what was known in the USSR as the “Great Patriotic War”. The Red Army stopped the seemingly invincible German Army at the Battle of Moscow, aided by an unusually harsh winter. The Battle of Stalingrad, which lasted from late 1942 to early 1943, dealt a severe blow to the Germans from which they never fully recovered and became a turning point of the war. After Stalingrad, Soviet forces drove through Eastern Europe to Berlin before Germany surrendered in 1945. The German Army suffered 80% of its military deaths in the Eastern Front. (Wikipedia)

Soviet Union WW2 Propaganda Posters:


Fighting And Morale:


Anti Enemy:


Home Front:

Soviet Union WW2 Military Art:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

If you have a World War II related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

1939-1945 World War II

1939-1945 World War II Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection
1939-1945 World War II Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection. World War begun in 1939 when Germany attacked Poland causing both England and France declare war against Nazi Germany. The War enlarged to a world wide conflict after Germany attacked Soviet Union in June 1941 and Japan USA in Dec 1941. After that most of the countries were involved in the war which ended in Europe for the capitulation of Germany and in Pacific for the capitulation of Japan in 1945.

1939-1945 World War II Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection:

Allied Forces:

United Kingdom WW2 Propaganda Collection

New Zealand WW2 Propaganda Collection

Canada WW2 Propaganda Collection

Netherlands WW2 Propaganda Collection

Norway WW2 Propaganda Collection

Soviet Union WW2 Propaganda Posters and Military Art

USA WW2 Recruiting Propaganda Collection

USA WW2 Fighting and Morale

USA WW2 Allies Propaganda Collection

USA WW2 Anti Enemy Propaganda Collection

USA WW2 Gear and Vehicles Collection

USA WW2 Production Propaganda Collection

USA WW2 Finance Propaganda Collection

USA WW2 Health and Safety Propaganda Collection

USA WW2 Careless Talk Propaganda Poster Collection

USA WW2 Home Front Propaganda Collection

USA WW2 Military Art Collection

Brazil WW2 Propaganda Collection

Axis Forces:

Germany WW2 Propaganda and Military Art Collection

Japan WW2 Propaganda Collection

Italy WW2 Propaganda Collection

Axis Co-belligerents:

Finland WW2 Propaganda and Military Art Collection

Axis Puppet States:

Slovenia WW2 Propaganda Collection

Neutral Countries:

Sweden WW2 Propaganda Collection

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

If you have a World War II related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

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