PosterHistory > 1914-1918 World War I > France WW1

France WW1

France WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
France WW1 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: France entered World War I in alliance with Russia to defend against German invasion. Germany declared war on France because it feared encirclement and sought to avoid fighting a long war on two fronts, given that France and Russia were bound by a defensive military alliance. Germany sought to win a quick war in the west before Russia fully mobilized its armed forces. The French victory at the Battle of the Marne in September 1914 ensured the failure of Germany’s strategy to avoid a protracted war on two fronts.

France WW1 Propaganda Collection:


Fighting and Morale:


Anti Enemy:



Health and Safety:


Red Cross:

Home Front:

France WW1 Military Art Collection:

Some interesting World War I related links:

Wikipedia article about World War I
History Channel : World War I: Summary, Causes, Facts & Dates

My other World War One related material:

All Countries during World War One

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