PosterHistory > 1918 Finnish Civil War

1918 Finnish Civil War

1918 Finnish Civil War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection
1918 Finnish Civil War Propaganda Poster and Military Art Collection: The Finnish Civil War (Finnish: Suomen sisällissota, kansalaissota; Swedish: Finska inbördeskriget) concerned control and leadership of the Grand Duchy of Finland after it had become sovereign Finland in 1917. The conflict formed a part of the national, political and social turmoil caused by World War I (1914–1918) in Europe. The Civil War was fought from 27 January to 15 May 1918 between the forces of the Social Democrats led by the People’s Deputation of Finland, commonly called the “Reds” (Finnish: punaiset, Swedish: röda), and the forces of the non-socialist, conservative-led Senate, commonly called the “Whites” (Finnish: valkoiset, Swedish: vita). White side won the civil war. (Wikipedia)

Some interesting Finnish Civil War related links:

Wikipedia article about Finnish Civil War

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