PosterHistory > 1939-1945 World War II > Germany WW2

Germany WW2

Germany WW2 Propaganda and Military Art Collection
Germany WW2 Propaganda and Military Art Collection: Germany WW2 Propaganda Collection: Germany, Nazi Germany started the Second World War by attacking Poland in 1939 causing both United Kingdom and France declare war against Germany. The War in Europe ended 1945 to the capitulation of Nazi Germany in 1945.

Germany WW2 Propaganda Collection


Wehrmacht: (Regular Army)

Luftwaffe: (Air Forces)

Kriegsmarine: (Navy)

Waffen SS: (Fighting SS)

Waffen SS Foreign Divisions:

Volksturm: (People’s Army)

NS Reichskriegersbund: (War Veterans)

Hitlerjugend: (Hitler Youth)

Bund Deutscher Mädel: (League of German Girls)

Gear and Vehicles:

Anti-Enemy and Racism:

Axis Powers: (German Allies)

Fighting and Morale:



Careless Talk:

Home Front:

War time advertising:

Die Wehrmacht:

Military Magazine, edited by Oberkommando der Wehrmacht


illustrated photo journal and army propaganda tool

Der Adler:

Military Magazine, edited by Luftwaffe

Die Kriegsmarine:

Military Magazine, edited by German Navy

Die Woche:

Illustrated weekly newspaper published in Berlin

Illustrierter Filmkurier:

Illustrated Daily Film Magazine

Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung:

Weekly illustrated magazine published in Berlin

Illustrierter Beobachter (Illustrated Observer):

Illustrated propaganda magazine from the German Nazi Party

Der Pimpf:

Nazi magazine for boys

Germany WW2 Military Art Collection

Frauen schaffen für euch 1943:

Women works for you

European Front:

Atlantic Front:

Eastern Front:

African Front:

Some interesting World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II
HistoryNet about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

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