PosterHistory > Alcohol > Tanqueray


Tanqueray Ad and Poster Collection
Tanqueray Ad and Poster Collection: Tanqueray is a London dry gin, reflecting its distillation process and origin in Bloomsbury, London. London dry gin is made by double distilling grain, with select botanicals added during the second distillation. While the Tanqueray recipe is a closely guarded trade secret, it is known to contain four botanicals: juniper, coriander, angelica root and liquorice, all common botanicals in gin productions overall. (Wikipedia)

Tanqueray Ad and Poster Collection:

1960’s Ads and Posters:

1980’s Ads and Posters:

Some interesting Tanqueray related links:

Wikipedia article about Tanqueray

My other Alcohol related material:

Alcohol Ad and Poster Collection
Smoking Ad and Poster Collection

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