PosterHistory > Airlines > Ala Littoria

Ala Littoria

Ala Littoria Poster and Ad Collection
Ala Littoria Poster and Ad Collection: Ala Littoria S.A. was the Italian national airline that operated during the fascist regime in the 1930s and 1940s. . Ala Littoria was formed by a merger of Società Aerea Mediterranea (SAM), Società Anonima Navigazione Aerea (SANA), Società Italiana Servizi Aerei (SISA) and Aero Espresso Italiana (AEI) in 1934. (Wikipedia)

Ala Littoria Poster and Ad Collection:

1930’s Posters and Ads:

Some interesting Ala Littoria related links:

Wikipedia article about Ala Littoria

My other Airlines related material:

Airlines Poster and Ad Collection
Aircraft Ad and Poster Collection

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