PosterHistory > Airlines > Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei

Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei

Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei Poster and Ad Collection
Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei Poster and Ad Collection: In the mid-1930s, the DZR was a commercial airline based in Frankfurt that operated zeppelins in regular transatlantic revenue service, including the famous LZ 129 Hindenburg. Following the Hindenburg disaster in 1937 the DZR stopped transatlantic service, although it launched a new airship in 1938 and had another on order. Plans for more operations ended at the outbreak of World War II and its zeppelins were scrapped in 1940. Today’s DZR sees itself as the successor of this original airline and is incorporated under the same name. (Wikipedia)

Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei Poster and Ad Collection:

1930’s Posters and Ads:

Some interesting Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei related links:

Wikipedia article about Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei

My other Airlines related material:

Airlines Poster and Ad Collection
Aircraft Ad and Poster Collection

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