PosterHistory > Automobiles > DKW


DKW Ad and Poster Collection
DKW Ad and Poster Collection: DKW (Dampf-Kraft-Wagen, English: “steam-powered car”, also Deutsche Kinder-Wagen English: “German children’s car”. Das-Kleine-Wunder, English: “the little wonder” or Des-Knaben-Wunsch, English: “the boy’s wish”, from when the company built toy two-stroke engines) was a German car- and motorcycle-marque. DKW was one of the four companies that formed Auto Union in 1932 and thus became an ancestor of the modern-day Audi company. (Wikipedia)

DKW Ad and Poster Collection:

1930’s Ads and Posters:

1940’s Ads and Posters:

1950’s Ads and Posters:

1960’s Ads and Posters:

Some interesting DKW related links:

Wikipedia article about DKW

My other Automobiles related material:

Automobiles Ad and Poster Collection
Car Accessories Ad and Poster Collection
Tires Ad and Poster Collection

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