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DKW Motorcycles

DKW Motorcycles Ad and Poster Collection
DKW Motorcycles Ad and Poster Collection: During the late 1920s and until WWII broke out, DKW was both the world’s largest motorcycle manufacturer, as well as Europe’s pioneer of front-wheel drive automobiles.
The motorcycle branch produced famous models such as the RT 125 pre- and post-World War II, and after the war with production at the original factory in GDR becoming MZ it made 175, 250 and 350 (cc) models. As war reparations, the design drawings of the RT125 were given to Harley-Davidson in the US and BSA in the UK. (Wikipedia)

DKW Motorcycles Ad and Poster Collection:

1950’s Ads and Posters:

Some interesting DKW Motorcycles related links:

Wikipedia article about DKW

My other Motorcycles related material:

Motorcycles Ad and Poster Collection

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