PosterHistory > Shipping > American Export Lines

American Export Lines

American Export Lines Poster and Ad Collection
American Export Lines Poster and Ad Collection: Export Steamship Corporation was organized in 1919 and began operating cargo services to the Mediterranean from New York. The word “American” was added in the 1920s to emphasize its ties to the U.S.. In 1931, they placed in service four cargo-passenger liners, Excalibur, Excambion, Exeter and Exochorda, known as the “Four Aces”. The timing of their new service was unfortunately at the beginning of the depression. The company went through various reorganisations and became the American Export Lines in 1936. In 1964, it merged with Isbrandtsen Co. to become the American Export-Isbrandtsen Lines. (Source: Wikipedia)

American Export Lines Poster and Ad Collection:

1940’s Posters and Ads:

1950’s Posters and Ads:

1960’s Posters and Ads:

Some interesting American Export Lines related links:

Wikipedia article about American Export-Isbrandtsen Lines

My other Shipping related material:

Shipping Poster and Ad Collection

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