PosterHistory > Shipping > Compagnie de Navigation Mixte

Compagnie de Navigation Mixte

Compagnie de Navigation Mixte Poster and Ad Collection
Compagnie de Navigation Mixte Poster and Ad Collection: Compagnie de Navigation Mixte is a former French shipping company active from 1850 to 1981, whose history is linked to the French colonies in North Africa. After 1969, it was transformed into a diversified financial conglomerate. It was absorbed by Paribas in 1996. (Wikipedia)

Compagnie de Navigation Mixte Poster and Ad Collection:

1920’s Posters and Ads:

1950’s Posters and Ads:

Some interesting Compagnie de Navigation Mixte related links:

Wikipedia article about Compagnie de Navigation Mixte (French)

My other Shipping related material:

Shipping Poster and Ad Collection

If you have a Compagnie de Navigation Mixte related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

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