PosterHistory > Shipping > Lloyd Sabaudo

Lloyd Sabaudo

Lloyd Sabaudo Poster and Ad Collection
Lloyd Sabaudo Poster and Ad Collection: The Lloyd Sabaudo was a Shipping transport line formed in Turin in 1906. It began passenger service in 1907, expanding to link Italy to ports in Asia as well as North and South America. In 1932 it merged with several other Italian shipping lines to form the Italian Line (Wikipedia)

Lloyd Sabaudo Ad and Poster Collection:

1920’s Posters and Ads:

1930’s Posters and Ads:

Some interesting Lloyd Sabaudo related links:

Wikipedia article about Lloyd Sabaudo

My other Shipping related material:

Shipping Poster and Ad Collection

If you have a Lloyd Sabaudo related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email

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